Monday, June 8, 2020

keeping in touch :)

Hello all!

For those of you who don't know me, I graduated this spring and you'll probably not see me around after this point since I'll be moving to cali in a month or so. I already miss being surrounded by a creative environment and I am very thankful to have this link to my friends. I am sorry that I was unable to attend the meeting yesterday, but I really look forward to future zooms.

My goal for the rest of the summer is to make something with the enameling kiln while I still have access, even though I'm finding it a bit difficult to create right now. I'd love to see any enamelists you all might recommend :)

I assume I won't have my old email for very long, so my personal is if any of you want to get in touch later on.

Alternatively, you can find me on instagram at @dmoore9x


Cody and Nora's Studio

This is Nora and I's Studio space that is provided to me through work in Bellingham Washington. In this space I do a lot of my large sca...